Date: October 27, 2015

To: State Clearinghouse, Responsible and Trustee Agencies, and Interested Individuals and Organizations

Subject: Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (City Document No. EIR-15-012-RP (SCH No. 20140310041))

Notice is hereby given that the City of Los Angeles, Department of Recreation and Parks (LADRP) has completed the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the project identified above. The Draft EIR describes the proposed project and alternatives, and evaluates the potential environmental effects of the proposed project and its alternatives.

Project Location:

The project site is within the boundaries of the existing El Sereno Recreation Center and Park located at 4721 Klamath Street in the community of El Sereno in the City of Los Angeles. The project site, which contains the Clubhouse and a paved area, is located immediately west of the park's main driveway and entrance on Klamath Street. The project site steps up from the driveway and is setback from Klamath Street by an undeveloped vegetated area. The Clubhouse, built in 1949, is an approximately 3,850-square-foot, one-story, wood-framed, stucco building. The Clubhouse has two restrooms, a craft room, six storage rooms, a kitchen areas, an auditorium area with a stage, a water heater closet, an equipment room, a covered terrace, and a detached concession stand. The concession stand, measuring approximately 13 feet by 9 feet, located across the terrace from the Clubhouse is a small wood-framed structure. The Clubhouse has been closed to the public for a number of years and is currently being used as a park maintenance equipment storage facility.

Project Description:

The LADRP proposes construction and installation of several new recreational facilities within the El Sereno Recreation Center and Park boundaries. To accommodate these new recreational facilities, the old Clubhouse and concession stand would be demolished. A basketball court and batting cage would be constructed within the existing building footprint of the Clubhouse. In addition, a jogging path, fitness equipment, picnic tables, benches, and drinking fountains would be installed in the paved area just north of the Clubhouse. All facilities would be accessible according to the American Disabilities Act standards.

In addition to the No Project Alternative, an Adaptive Reuse Alternative has been analyzed in the Draft EIR. The Adaptive Reuse Alternative assumes the Clubhouse building would be rehabilitated for use as additional community space. It is assumed that all identified character-defining features of the Clubhouse would be repaired and maintained in-situ to the highest degree feasible, and the renovations would comply with current building codes. Under the Adaptive Reuse Alternative, the basketball court and batting cage that are proposed to be constructed within the existing building footprint of the Clubhouse would be installed elsewhere within the park. The proposed jogging path, fitness equipment, picnic tables, benches, and drinking fountains would be installed in the paved area just north of the Clubhouse, similar to the proposed project. The Adaptive Reuse Alternative would be consistent with the project objectives to reduce public safety hazards, eliminate maintenance costs; however, this alternative would not increase usable park and open space within the community.

Significant Environmental Effects:

The proposed project would result in significant and unavoidable impacts associated with historic resources and construction noise. Impacts associated with all other environmental topics addressed in the Initial Study and Draft EIR were determined to be less than significant or less than significant with the implementation of mitigation measures.

Public Comment Period:

The Draft EIR is available for a 45-day review period, from October 29, 2015 to December 14, 2015, in accordance with Section 15087 of the State CEQA Guidelines.

The Draft EIR is available for general public review at the Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks website, and at the following locations:

  • Department of Recreation and Parks, 221 N. Figueroa Street, Suite 400, Los Angeles, CA 90012 - (213) 202-2681
  • El Sereno Recreation Center, 4721 Klamath Street, Los Angeles, CA 90032 - (323) 225-3517
  • El Sereno Branch Library, 5226 S. Huntington Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032 - (323) 225-9201
  • Lincoln Heights Branch Library, 2530 Workman Street, Los Angels, CA 90031 - (323) 226-1692

Interested parties may provide written comments on the Draft EIR, postmarked on or before December 14, 2015. Please address comments to:

  Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks
  221 N. Figueroa Street, Suite 400, Los Angeles, CA 90012
  Contact: Paul Davis
  Fax: (213) 202-2612
  E-Mail: Paul.J.Davis@lacity.org


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